July 2024 General Meeting

South Virginia Jama’at Holds July 2024 General Meeting

During the month of July, members of South Virginia Jama’at gathered at Masroor Mosque to hold their monthly general body meeting. The meeting began with Syed Fozan Ahmad Sahib reciting the Tilawat, followed by Ijaz Qamar Sahib, who provided the translation.

Mirza Maaz Ali Sahib, Local Secretary Tabligh for South VA Jama’at, presented the Tabligh Shura recommendations approved by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih. He provided an overview of current Tabligh efforts, including Tabligh stalls, street corner signs, and flyer distributions. Maaz Sahib also shared statistics, such as the number of active Da’een Lillah in South VA Jama’at, and emphasized the need to increase Tabligh efforts and participation.

Following this, Faizan Ahmed Sahib, Local Nazim Rishta Nata MKA South VA, and Safwan Ahmed Sahib presented the Shura recommendation regarding Rishta Nata. They delved into the major reasons for discord in households and marital issues. An interesting statistic revealed that matches made through the Rishta Nata system have a significantly lower divorce rate compared to those arranged outside the system.

The concluding address was delivered by Murrabi Shamshad Nasir. He began by welcoming new immigrants to the Jama’at and highlighted the responsibilities of a Murrabi. He stressed the need for cooperation among Jama’at members to ensure the success of Jama’at affairs.

Murrabi Sahib recapped the recent Mulaqat of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih (aba) with USA Missionaries. A portion of the recent episode of “This Week With Huzoor” was presented, emphasizing Huzoor’s focus on Tarbiyat and the importance of Murrabian training the membership.

He urged the audience to develop a sense of responsibility and fulfill their duties without being asked. Quoting Hadhrat Masih e Maud (as), Murrabi Sahib reminded the Jama’at that the purpose of Jama’at Ahmadiyya is to establish a living relationship with Allah. He called on officeholders to lead by example and presented a message from the National Umur e Ama department about upholding Islamic traditions during marriage ceremonies.

Murrabi Sahib emphasized the importance of starting wedding functions on time and aligning them with Salat timings. He spoke about the upbringing of children, stressing the need to teach them about praying on time and the history of the Jama’at. He urged members to return to the basics of their faith.

In the end, Murrabi Sahib read a quote from Huzoor (aba) regarding the responsibilities of Jama’at members towards their officeholders. Huzoor emphasized raising spiritual standards and increasing obedience within the Jama’at. Murrabi Sahib called for cooperation, which is essential for the progress of the Jama’at, Insh’Allah.

A short question and answer session followed, addressing various topics such as Tabligh, marrying of children, and increasing marital harmony in the home.

The meeting concluded with a Dua led by Murrabi Shamshad Nasir, followed by Zuhr Salat. Members then enjoyed a tasty lunch, breaking bread together and cherishing each other’s company.