Hence, I loudly proclaim once again, and my friends ought to take heed that they must not disregard my words of advice and view them as the tales of a story-teller. Everything that I have said to you, I have said with a burning heart and true sympathy, which are inherently a part of my soul. Heed my words with the ear of your heart and act upon them.
Prayer Timings
Meet Our Missionary

Imam Shamshad A. Nasir currently serves as a Missionary of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and has dedicated his life to serving Islam Ahmadiyyat since 1973 when he graduated from Jamia Ahmadiyya, a rigorous, multi-lingual, seven-year missionary training seminary in Rabwah, Pakistan.
Over the past five decades, Imam Shamshad has served in Pakistan, Ghana, Sierra Leone (West Africa), and the United States, with ten years in Southern California and eight years at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s U.S. national headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. He also served in Houston, Dayton, Ohio, and Detroit. In total, he has dedicated over 35 years as an Imam and missionary in the U.S.
Throughout his service, Imam Shamshad has consistently championed peace through interfaith dialogue, peace symposiums, humanitarian and civic outreach, and by participating in open discussions through various media channels.